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Brainstorming YOUR Passion

What did we learn in finding a passion among middle schoolers?

  • Many students couldn't distinguish the difference between passion and goal.
  • Some didn't have interests, collections, or talents to talk about.
  • Others didn't include elementary music lessons, foreign language or sports activities.

Below if you click on jam boards, you will get a glimpse of our 7th/8th grade passion topics for SY 2020-2021: usp=sharing

Featured Image for passion quotes and sayings

In Retrospect, searching for Passion Quotes and Sayings would've been a 
great way to start the project.  

Here is my favorite:

Do your work with passion quotes Passion quotes and sayings images pictures  coolnsmart |

Thinking about your passion, in middle school, high school, and college, please share a favorite Passion Quote or Saying that resonates you today?

Aloha Kakou Post #3!  Ohkay, Don't I feel silly, for being a clueless blogger! 

Everyone's blogs I opened are mind-blowing and super impressive.

I've done everything opposite about creating a blog.

Maybe I should've read Bloggers for dummies.

Hopefully, I'm inspired to step it up next week. ðŸ¤ž

Kala mai, for making my first three posts a hard read!  Rae Tang


  1. "The only person you should be better than is the person you were yesterday."

    My senior quote that I sometimes forget to live by everyday! I always remind myself this, when I get to overwhelmed or feel like whenever I'm doing something, it doesn't amount to anything. This saying makes me focused on myself, my passion, my endeavors, my journey and no one else's! It's easy to fall prey and compare your self with others, I have been guilty of doing that many times in the past, so don't beat yourself up if you ever do that, at one point in your life you will succumb to it. However, it's being able to bounce back from that negative mindset/thinking and focus on becoming a better you, while ignoring all the irrelevant people in your life will make you more happy! ;)

    1. Aloha! I wish you left your name, so I could address you properly. With that said, I love that quote! I also, love your story. Absolutely, resilience! I can certainly sense when others see and feel that positivity in you, they will bounce back that same energy to you. Believe you can, and those around you will too!
      Mahalo for sharing!


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